Wednesday, May 21, 2014

9-11 Joe Tacopina Media Whore uses 9-11 Deaths for Face Time Imus a Time out from Trying to Destroy Bernie Kerik a 9-11 Hero?

"I lost 3 or 4 very dear dear friends".
It's like saying I have 4 or 5 kids.

I am hearing accusations that,  Tacopina liar, is attention seeker is using 9-11.  How low can you go Tacky-0?

If your dear dear friends dies and relative who doesn't know if it is 3 or 4 of them?

Joe Tacky-0 puts his insensitive foot in his mouth again -- calling a 9-11 Hero Pilot an idiot sounds like he is describing himself?  Than even he realizes how stupid and awful his thought process.  Maybe he learn to keep his big shut?

That is what his critics say and own up to what he did to Bernie Kerik!

I was sent this video and it came with an outraged accusation that Joe Tacopina is using 9-11 with Imus's blessing to get the media attention Tacky-0 most craves as he goes from super lawyer to super toxic.

Just uploaded it may need a couple seconds... out on the street uploading.  this video really offending people that's why I got this and was asked to post it?

Joe a media whore in the midst of the most shocking attack on his now ex client, best friend and 9-11 hero.... Bernie Kerik runs to Imus to get his  his media whore fix.

Got this complaint.  
"Using people's alleged deaths to get publicity; almost worse than raping a rape victim.  When says he lost 3 or 4 very dear dear friends -- should Bernie Kerik's lawyer be writing the Feds asking to charge Joe Tacopina with perjury?" (I was sent this and it  is clear why 'Joe Tacopina liar" is the number 1 searched tag.   People just think Joe is a liar.

He ran to Imus because he is desperately trying to beat  Bernie Kerik in to silence and submission and Joe will do anything not to answer questions under oath.

Tacopina blamed 9-11 Hero Pilot at first uses on Imus than playing the Sympathy card -- Joe's favorite card  --- a time out from trying to Destroy Kerik 9-11 Hero..... I am not saying Kerik is a poster boy for good deeds but 9-11 he did right thing.

I was sent this and the accusation Joe is a liar phony using 9-11.  I have to defend Joe. He wouldn't stoop that low?

Joe was best friends with Kerik 9-11 sounds like Joe is trying to send Kerik back to jail again and getting help from
Imus?    People are now  calling Joe the Informant Lawyer behind  his back and saying Tacopina has destroyed his career filing perjury charges against Kerik so he runs to Imus do PR uses the umbrella of 9-11 deaths.. .He than is worse than a gift shop.
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Joe Tacopina Uses 9-11 Sympathy v attacking Kerik 9-11  who is running towards the attack.

So many of us know people that died downtown.  Heart breaking but only Joe Tacopina was trying to send one 9/11 hero because he was a hero that day to jail yet again.

 I'm not saying Bernie Kerik is a good guy or saint but I am saying he's telling the truth --- Joe Tacopina betrayed him and now 
I am receiving videos and accusations attacking Joe. Your complaints he says I lost three or four friends three or four. 

Doesn't know exactly how many friends he lost that day you know I miss decided there to just try and help Joe destroy Bernie Kerik use 9-11 

 the sympathy card and I'm getting videos to me like this.

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